Grain Size Investigation of Al-1,1Sc Alloy


  • Gencer SARIOĞLU Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Gediz Meslek Yüksekokulu, Kütahya
  • Hamza Yaşar OCAK Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Kütahya


Al-Sc, XRD, Particle size


Al-Sc alloys in industry; It is preferred especially in the automotive and aviation sectors for its lightness, ductility and strength. The addition of a small amount of Sc into Al has a reducing effect on the grain size of the alloy. For this purpose, experimental techniques were used for XRD analysis of Al-1,1Sc alloy obtained with a special technique. This study was carried out in the laboratory of Kütahya Dumlupınar University Advanced Technology Center, from room temperature to 600℃. The grain size of the alloy was obtained using the Scherrer method.



How to Cite

SARIOĞLU, G., & OCAK, H. Y. (2022). Grain Size Investigation of Al-1,1Sc Alloy. Kadirli Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2), 174–180. Retrieved from