Publishing Principles
Kadirli Journal of Applied Sciences Faculty is a scientific research journal founded in 2021. The journal's publication topics include studies in the field of science and engineering, as well as scientific compilations. It is expected that the information produced is new, that it suggests a new method, or that it adds a new dimension to previously existing information.
The journal publishes original scientific articles written in Turkish and English.
Articles sent for publication are evaluated by national and/or international referees. The final decision on the article is made by the editor-in-chief.
The names of the referees who evaluate the articles are not notified to the authors (blind peer review). It is left to the author's preference for the referees to evaluate the articles without seeing the author's names (double-blind peer review). Authors who want to use this preference must upload their articles to the system by deleting the name and address lines.
Articles sent to the referees are expected to be evaluated within 30-45 days. If this period is exceeded, the editors will send a message to the referees, and if they do not send, they will assign new referees.
The decision to accept or reject the article is made by the editor-in-chief. Articles that are not deemed sufficient in line with the referee suggestions are given a major (resubmit for evaluation) or minor (correction required) revision decision for development. Articles that do not reach the desired level and are not deemed scientifically sufficient are rejected.
After the "correction required" decision is given about the article, the necessary changes are expected to be made by the author within 30 days. Otherwise, the article is rejected.
Articles sent for publication must not have been published anywhere else or sent to any journal for publication.
All responsibility for the articles belongs to the relevant authors. Articles must be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted scientific ethics rules. If necessary, a copy of the Ethics Committee Report must be attached.
The Copyright Transfer Form signed by the authors of the articles accepted for publication in the journal must be uploaded to the system.
Please see the homepage to access the Copyright Transfer Form.
Articles sent for publication in the journal must be prepared according to the journal article writing format.
Articles sent for evaluation must be prepared according to the journal article writing format and must not exceed 40 pages.
For articles accepted for publication in the Kadirli Journal of Applied Sciences, the relevant author is given 30-45 days for "page editing" and 10-20 days for "proofreading". Articles of relevant authors who do not respond within these periods will be rejected.
No evaluation or application fee is charged for articles sent for publication in the journal.